Our services



  • Annual accounts for companies, partnerships and sole traders

  • Book-keeping

  • Management accounts

  • Budgets & Forecasts

We provide a full range of accountancy services, from day-to-day book-keeping to preparing annual accounts. Our management accounting, budgeting and forecasting services are tailored to your requirements, helping you analyse your business needs and maximise your potential at every stage.



  • Payroll and pension

  • P11d forms (expenses and benefits for all PAYE registered employees)

We’ll release you from this complex burden.  Our payroll and pensions advice and management alongside our expertise in expenses and benefits reporting means you have less admin, to ease your workload.


  • Corporation tax

  • Personal tax

  • VAT

  • CIS

We have a wealth of experience in providing taxation services for a diverse client base across a wide range of industries. We can guide you through Corporation tax, VAT and CIS, as well as organising your personal taxes so that everything is taken care of in one place. We ensure that you are fully compliant and help you navigate the ever-increasing complexities of the tax rules.


Companies Secretarial

  • Maintaining statutory books and minutes

  • Filing confirmation statements (annual returns) and Companies House forms

  • Company formations including incorporation of public or private limited companies

  • Company reorganisations including renaming, and share capital restructuring (allotment, transfer, conversion, subdivision & consolidation)

Nobody likes filling in forms, except for accountants. Let our companies secretarial service take care of  the routine administration of your company to ensure that it meets its legal and statutory requirements.


We know that your accounting needs are as individual as you are. Whether you’re well-established or just starting out, we tailor our services to your exact requirements. We offer a free initial meeting to discuss things in detail and provide you with a quote – contact us today to see how Hunt Accountancy Services can work for you.